Health services

You are entitled to use public health services in Finland if you have a municipality of residence (kotikunta) in Finland. You can also use private health services.

Medical expenses

Finland has affordable public health services for everyone who lives permanently in the country. In addition, employers offer occupational health services for their employees.

If you do not have a municipality of residence in Finland or are not covered by Finnish health insurance, you may have the right to health care or reimbursements from Kela on other grounds. You must apply for this right separately.

Ask for more information at Kela’s international situations unit.

Kela Sicknessexternal link icon

Kela Private Healthcare Medical expensesexternal link icon

Info Finlandexternal link icon

Ministry of social and welfareexternal link icon

Seri support for victims of sexual violence

The Seri support centre is a support unit for those who have experienced sexual violence for everyone over the age of 16, regardless of gender. The support centre is a low-threshold unit. You can go to the support centre by yourself, with your friends and relatives, or under the guidance of an authority.

If you have been sexually abused, e.g. raped, it is important to contact the Seri support centre as soon as possible after the incident.

Reporting a crime is not a condition for applying to the support centre, although reporting is encouraged.

The Seri support centre provides forensic investigation, trauma support, psychological counselling, and therapy for victims of sexual violence. A multi-professional team works in the Seri support centre: doctors, on-call doctors, midwives, psychologists and social workers.

A list and links to Seri support centres can be found on the THL webpage (in Finnish):

THL Seri Support Centresexternal link icon

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