A general moving checklist

Remember to adapt this checklist according to your specific needs and circumstances. Good luck with your move!

Plan and organize

Determine your moving date and create a timeline. Make a list of tasks to be completed before, during, and after the move. Create a budget for moving expenses.

Inform your landlord or current housing provider about your move (if applicable).

Make a moving notification

Make a moving notification and update your address in time before moving to ensure the postal service, banks, insurance providers, and other relevant institutions have the correct address.

Cancel or transfer services

Notify utility companies (electricity, water, internet, etc.) to schedule disconnection or transfer of services.

Cancel any existing subscriptions or services that you will no longer require.

Packing and sorting

Gather packing supplies such as boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and markers. Start packing non-essential items well in advance. Label boxes according to rooms and contents to make unpacking easier.

Arrange for moving services

Research and contact moving companies to obtain quotes and schedule your move. Compare prices, services, and reviews to select a reliable and reputable moving company.

If you don't use moving services, remember to ask well in advance for help from friends and family.

Arrange for cleaning and repairs

Clean the house thoroughly before moving out. Make any necessary repairs or arrange for professional services if required by your rental agreement or to prepare the house for sale.

Inform Friends and Family

Notify friends, family, and important contacts about your upcoming move. Provide them with your new address and contact information.

Pack essentials bag

Prepare a bag with essential items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, medications, important documents, and snacks.

Final walkthrough

Conduct a final walkthrough of your current home to ensure everything is packed and in order. Document any existing damage to the property if necessary.

Moving day

Be present during the move to supervise and provide necessary instructions. Take someone with you if there is any risk of violence. Keep important documents and valuables with you rather than packing them in the moving truck.

Unpacking and settling in

Unpack room by room, focusing on essentials first. Take your time to arrange furniture, decorate, and personalize your new space.

Quick exit
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