Choosing the right service

Domestic violence is a multifaceted problem. Violence in intimate relationships often extends to many areas: home, finances, work, comprehensive health, school, children, sexuality, hobbies, friends, and digital life. Therefore, it is typical that attempting to eliminate it requires multidisciplinary expertise, contact with various professionals, and preferably their cooperation. You find contact information for support services from the Contact details- page.


Domestic violence in its various forms might be considered a criminal act, and multiple criminal charges may apply in such cases. To identify different types of crimes and better understand the criminal justice process, it is advisable to consult with someone knowledgeable in law or violent crimes. Incidents of crime should be reported to the police.

If you need assistance making a crime report, you can seek help from a legal aid provider, a shelter, or a social counsellor familiar with handling violence cases. Seeking help is crucial, as the choice of words in the report plays a significant role in determining whether the crime will be investigated.

Economic situation

Breaking free from violence often requires financial resources and, at times, significant support in financial matters. If you find yourself in urgent need of financial assistance within the next 24 hours, such as housing, food support, or unexpected travel expenses, don't hesitate to get in touch with the social work services in your area. They can guide the next steps to take.

Financial and debt counselling can be highly beneficial if you are concerned about your financial situation, whether you have accumulated debt or require assistance managing your finances.

If you are experiencing economic violence, it is advisable to inform your bank and seek their assistance. They can assist you in opening a new discreet account, closing your current card, and taking other necessary steps to safeguard your financial well-being.

If the perpetrator of violence has taken possession of your passport or any other form of identification, you can seek assistance from the police to retrieve it.

Living arrangements

Contacting local support services and legal professionals who can provide comprehensive guidance tailored to your specific situation is crucial.

1. Housing: If you need help in matters related to moving or temporary housing due to intimate partner violence, you can apply for support from the following organizations: Social services for adults, housing offices, child welfare services (in cases where the prevailing situation is dangerous or harmful to children)

2. Moving: If you need help with moving, consider asking for help from friends and family or moving companies. It is also advisable to create a moving checklist to ensure a smooth transition.

3. Home security measures: Install home security devices. Consider non-disclosure of personal information for safety reasons. Apply for a moving ban or request address change protection.

4. The eviction process: If you need assistance regarding the eviction process, consult appropriate legal channels or organisations that specialise in supporting victims of domestic violence.

5. Divorce and separation: In cases of divorce or separation, it is advisable to seek legal advice to understand the procedures involved. This may include matters such as the partition of property.


It can often be beneficial for the employer to be aware of your experience with domestic violence, but the decision of whom to confide in is ultimately yours, as not everyone may fully comprehend the situation. Given the prevalence of violence, it is possible that an employer or supervisor can empathise with your challenging circumstances based on their own personal experiences or those of someone close to them.

At times, you may feel compelled to disclose the situation due to the perpetrator's presence at your workplace, whether physically or through emails or phone calls. In such cases, the employer can provide workplace safety measures, temporary relief from work duties, and access to occupational health services if they know your need for assistance.

If you have business interactions with the perpetrator or hold roles of responsibility within their company or in a joint company, it is important to consider the implications and handle these matters carefully. It is advisable to seek legal advice in these cases.


It is important to consult a doctor or a nurse, preferably as soon as possible, after experiencing violence. A doctor can document physical and psychological injuries and damages. It is important to accurately attribute the marks to their true cause, namely violence, although it is common for the cause to be attributed to something else, such as a fall. If you have sustained more permanent injuries, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, or occupational therapy can provide assistance.

Mental health support and assistance are available through psychiatry outpatient clinics or occupational health services. You can obtain a referral from your doctor. They can also provide guidance and instructions on how to apply for psychotherapy.

Some physical or psychological manifestations of violence may emerge with a delay, and it is crucial to document them to establish the cause-and-effect relationship and temporal connection.

Domestic violence can also contribute to or perpetuate substance abuse problems and other addictions, for which assistance can be obtained from substance abuse clinics and various organisations. Issues related to sexuality are also prevalent, and support is available through avenues such as sexual therapy, pelvic floor physiotherapy, or other specialised bodies focusing on sexuality.



It would be beneficial if the key adults in a child's life, such as those at daycare and school, were aware of the situation at home. Domestic violence adversely affects a child's ability to cope and concentrate during the day, and they may exhibit various symptoms reflecting their experiences. When adults are aware of a child's concerns, they can provide better support and listen attentively with sensitivity.

Furthermore, domestic violence can also pose a risk within daycare or school settings. While it may not be possible to prevent another guardian from picking up the child at daycare, if the staff is aware of the situation, they can contact you and involve child welfare or the police if necessary to clarify the situation.

Child protection

Child protection or child welfare services should always be informed when a child is exposed to domestic violence. They are responsible for investigating and evaluating the situation when a child protection notice is issued.

Child protection has various means of providing assistance once they are aware of the circumstances. Placing a child in a different environment or taking custody of the child are considered last resort and are only considered if no other measures can sufficiently safeguard the child. You can contact your local child welfare services or request assistance from the relevant authorities.

Friends and family

Grandparents, godparents, and other relatives are often willing to help if informed about domestic violence. However, it is important to remember that sometimes they may also be the perpetrators of violence or inadvertently expose the victims to risk further.

It is crucial to bear in mind that the child's other legal guardian or parent may have access to their health information and other records. Therefore, precautions should be taken, and situations like appointments at child health centres should be carefully evaluated to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the child.


Pets also suffer from domestic violence and may even be physically abused, sometimes unbeknownst to their owners. They exhibit signs of stress and anxiety and may develop behavioural disorders within the home environment. Veterinary professionals and animal trainers can assist and support pets in such situations.

In some countries and cities, shelters are available where you can seek refuge along with your pet. It is advisable to obtain current information about these shelters by contacting shelters directly and asking for more guidance. Additionally, some shelters have networks of volunteer caregivers who can provide temporary care for your pet.


If you are relocating to a shelter or a safe location, disabling location services on your smart devices is advisable. If you suspect digital tracking, having your computer, tablets, and other smart devices inspected and cleaned by a specialist in the field is recommended. Gather any evidence for the police. Remember that your social media use can inadvertently disclose your location.

A car can pose a risk if a hidden locator or tracking device is installed. A mechanic may be able to locate it, but in some cases, it may be safer to abandon the vehicle. Modern cars often have automatic locators that notify the car's owner about its movements.

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