Helplines & chats

Talking about own experience of domestic violence and getting support

Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you trying to understand what is going on? Do you doubt yourself and your experiences? Do you have the feeling that something is wrong? Are you afraid? Are you perhaps ashamed of what has happened to you? You don't have to figure this out on your own. There are professionals who can help and guide you. Don't hesitate to tell them about your worries.

Helpline for Violence Against Women 116016

The helpline "Violence Against Women" offers victims the opportunity to get advice anonymously, free of charge, competently, safely, and without barriers at any time.

Please note: All online services are only available in German.

Qualified counselors provide confidential support and can refer you to local support services, such as a women's counseling center or a women's shelter nearby.

The phone counselling service is anonymous, free of charge and available in 18 languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Kurdish, Romanian, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Chinese, Farsi/Dari, Arabic). Through the Tess relay service program, telephone counseling in sign language is available around the clock.

Helpline for Violence Against Women

116 016.

Available 24/7, 365 days a year, free of charge.

If you can’t or don’t want to call, you can get support through online counseling.

  • Instant Chat The instant chat is available daily from 12 to 20. No registration is required. As soon as you enter the chat, a counselor will contact you.
  • Email Counseling Email counselling requires registration. Counselors respond within 24 hours.
  • Chat Counsellling In a one-on-one chat counseling session, you can talk to a counselor at a chosen time. To book a chat or attend an already booked session, you must log in with your user account. The chat counseling is encrypted.

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Helpline for Violence Against Men 0800 123 9900

Men experience violence. They suffer violence in childhood, on the street, in institutions, or in partnerships. That's why there’s a helpline for violence against men. If you have experienced violence in any form, you can contact the helpline via phone, chat, or email. Turkish language counseling is privately offered every Monday from 6 - 20.

Violence Against Men helpline

0800 123 9900.
Monday - Thursday from 8 - 20
Friday from 8 - 15

If you can’t or don’t want to call, you can get support through online counselling.

  • Instant Chat No registration required. Just click "Start Chat" when a counselor is online.
    Monday – Thursday 12 - 15 and 17 - 19. No registration required. Just click "Start Chat" when a counselor is online.
  • Email Counseling in German or Turkish can be requested at ( A contact form on the homepage is also available. For fully secure email counseling (SSL encryption), use the "Online Counseling" button on the homepage. Registration is required but can be anonymous.

Violence Against Menexternal link icon

Special Consultations for Professionals:

Man-o-mann counseling

0521 68676

Wednesdays from 9 - 10.

AWO Augsburg

0821 4503 3920

Mondays from 14 - 15

Social Counseling Stuttgart e.V.

0711 3350 8784

Tuesdays from 9 - 10

General Victim Counseling by WEISSER RING 116 006

WEISSER RING is an organization offering support to victims of crime and violence (note: not specifically domestic violence). Its volunteers come from various professional backgrounds and are specially trained to meet the needs of crime victims.

WEISSER RING can be reached by phone, online counseling, and at around 400 locations nationwide. You can ask about therapeutic options, legal situations, and other support services. All services are free and anonymous.

victim hotline

116 006

Available daily 7 - 22

The WEISSER RING’s online counselling is via email. You can send a message to the online counseling team through a secure program.

WEISSER RINGexternal link icon

Talking About Your Own Violent Behavior and Getting Support

There are organizations that offer counseling and support to people with aggressive impulses or violent behavior towards their partners.

Federal Working Group on Perpetrator Work on Domestic Violence eV.V. 0151 156 31777

The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Täterarbeit Häusliche Gewalt e.V. (Federal Working Group on Perpetrator Work on Domestic Violence e.V.) is the pro-feminist umbrella organization of offender work institutions in Germany. Member institutions offer various counseling services for people who have used violence in their current or former partnerships and want to participate in a counseling program either voluntarily or due to a recommendation or judicial order.

The federal office can be reached

0151 156 31777

Available daily 8 - 15

FWG on Perpetrator Work on Domestic Violenceexternal link icon

Hotline Against Violence

The Hotline against Violence (note, the fee 14ct/min applies) offers counseling and support to people prone to violent actions. The service is aimed at everyone in challenging or overwhelming life situations seeking advice. These situations can include relationship violence, being overwhelmed with raising a child, or a divorce. Whether you're about to use violence or have already done so, the hotline against violence offers support and helps manage the situation.

Counselling is available in German, English, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, and Swedish.

The hotline against violence

01805 439 258 (14 ct/min)

Monday-Friday 9- 17

Email Counseling:
You can send an email to for counseling.

Hotline against violenceexternal link icon

Psychological and Physical Health

Support and counseling for sudden health problems, psychological issues, or after rape.

Germany has a comprehensive medical health system for everyone with health insurance. For people without statutory or private health insurance, there are exceptions. Refugees, for example, are entitled to limited medical services under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.

In emergencies, call 112.

Emergency Help for Sudden Health Problems

112 for acute, potentially life-threatening emergencies

For example, severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, paralysis, sudden seizures, severe injuries, or suspected fractures – call the emergency services at 112. This call is free and available 24/7.

116 117 for the medical on-call service, which advises you on sudden health problems

In urgent but not life-threatening cases, call 116 117 – the nationwide number for the medical on-call service. This is the call center for the medical on-call service, which can refer you to on-call service practices you may need to visit. In some cases, an on-call doctor may come to your home if your health condition prevents you from going to a practice, or the relevant practice is not staffed. The on-call service is available across Germany. Calls are free and available 24/7.

Crisis Services

The telephone counseling service offers help and support for people in difficult life situations and crises regarding mental health. You can confidentially discuss your thoughts, feelings, and situation with trained volunteers. The crisis counseling is offered in German. Counseling is free and anonymous.

Telephone counseling

0800 111 0111

0800 111 0222

116 123

Calls are free and available 24/7.

You can reach the online counselling service via email and chat on their website.

TelefonSeelsorgeexternal link icon

Parents' Hotline 0800 111 0550

The parents' hotline offers advice on family crises and being overwhelmed. All calls are free. Counselling is mostly in German.

Parents' Hotline

0800 111 0550

Monday - Friday 9 - 17

Tuesday and Thursday 9 - 19

Children's and Youth Hotline 116 111

The children's and youth hotline offers advice to children and young people in challenging situations and personal crises. All calls are free. Counseling is mostly in German.

Children's and Youth Hotline

116 111

Monday - Saturday 14 - 20

After Sexual Violence 116 016

The Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Hotlines provide help, advice, and information. Women's emergency hotline are specialized counselling centers for sexual violence. They help victims with telephone and in-person counselling. They also work to prevent sexual violence. Besides personal counselling, many women's hotlines offer crisis intervention and psychotherapy.

You can find help and information in various languages on the Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Women's Emergency Hotlines' homepage.

Women's Emergency Hotlines
advises women affected by sexual violence and refers them to specialized counseling centers if needed.
116 016

Available 24/7, free of charge, in 18 languages.

The Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centersexternal link icon

Women's Emergency Hotlinesexternal link icon

Additional Support

There are various situations and turning points in life that can be very challenging to cope with. Help is available.

Help for Victims of Organized Sexual and Ritualized Violence

The helpline berta offers advice for organized sexual and ritualized violence. You might feel pressured, ashamed, guilty, or scared, and unsure of what to do. The counselors are there for you and take you seriously. The service is confidential, anonymous, and free.

The helpline berta

0800 3050 750

Tuesday 16 - 19

Wednesday & Friday 9 - 12

Information on Forced Marriage and Human Trafficking 116 016

Direct counseling and support, as well as information on forced marriage and human trafficking, are provided by the national helpline "Violence against Women" and through online counselling, victims can receive advice and support anonymously and free of charge, 24/7, in 18 languages.

Violence against Women helpline

116 016

Available 24/7

Violence against Womenexternal link icon

General information about human trafficking can be found at the Federal Coordination Group against Human Trafficking e.V. – information and advocacy on human trafficking. Read moreexternal link icon

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