
A shelter, also sometimes known as a safe house or a safe apartment, is a facility specifically designed to provide temporary accommodation and support services to individuals who have experienced domestic violence or are under threat of it. Shelters offer a secure and confidential environment where victims can seek refuge from abusive situations. These shelters typically have trained staff and resources to address survivors' physical, emotional, and practical needs.

In Finland, staying at a shelter is free of charge.

Watch a video: THL Shelters for victims of domestic violence in Finland

The purpose of a shelter

The primary purpose of a shelter is to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals and their children fleeing domestic violence. They provide a supportive and empowering atmosphere where residents can receive assistance in assessing their situation, planning for their safety, and accessing necessary resources.

For whom are shelters for?

In Finland, shelters are available for all individuals experiencing or under threat of domestic violence, regardless of gender, age, nationality, or residency status.

You can also seek help from the shelter even if you have not been physically abused.

Shelters offer various types of support

Shelters often offer various services, including counselling, legal advocacy, assistance with obtaining restraining orders, access to healthcare, childcare support, and help to find long-term housing solutions.

The location and specific services may vary across different shelters, but the overarching goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for those fleeing domestic violence.

Shelters collaborate with various organisations

Shelters collaborate with various organisations, such as local legal aid offices, social services, law enforcement, and other community resources, to ensure comprehensive support for survivors.

How can I get to the shelter?

If there is no shelter available in your town or you are uncertain how to access one, you can always turn to your area's social and crisis emergency services.

In some situations, you can take a taxi to the social and crisis emergency services or a shelter free of charge; remember to consult this option first with the organisation you are heading to. A list of shelters can be found on the Nollalinja website.

In case of an emergency, call 112.

What if there is no room in the shelter?

If you arrive at a full shelter, the staff is obligated to assist you in finding another safe location.

You can gather information about shelter availability from Nollalinja or directly from the shelter. A list of shelters can be found on the Nollalinja website.

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