Other support

Assistance on the considerations of various types of issues you might face in your life, as well as issues with marriage and divorce. As we improve our services, we will add more contacts to support based on the needs of the users.


Suomi.fi is an online service provided by the Finnish government that brings together various public services and information. On the Suomi.fi website you can find information about, for example, official services, legislation, benefits and rights. It also provides links to the online services of various authorities.

The website can be used, for example, to do various things online, such as clarifying official matters, filling in forms or updating information. Suomi.fi aims to make it easier for citizens and companies to do business with the public sector by offering aggregated information and services on one website.

Suomi.fi Information and servicesexternal link icon


Marriage can be a church or a civil marriage. In Finland, legal marriages are made by the Evangelical Lutheran and Orthodox churches and registered religious communities entitled to do so.

The Marriage Act sets the conditions for entering a marriage and what the marriage obliges.

Oikeus.fi Marriageexternal link icon

Digital and population data service agencyexternal link icon


When your relationship ends, it may seem like your life stops on its tracks. While going through it, you should also deal with practical matters such as finances, housing and your children’s affairs.

If you or your family feel you are running out of strength, you should not delay asking for help. If it feels that things cannot be agreed upon, it is important to seek help, especially if you have a family together. There are several services available for people going through a divorce or separation.

Apua eroon website provides support for people going through a separation or divorce.

From the Suomi.fi website, you can find a list of available services for divorce/separation and a divorce or separation guide.

On the Oikeus.fi Divorce site you can find legal information about divorce.

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