Getting to safety

Violence is unacceptable and should not be part of any relationship. Violence has serious consequences, including physical harm and even death. Also, emotional abuse can cause severe effects.

It's crucial to remember that you always have the right to protect yourself from any form of violence. You have the right to support. Ensuring your safety is important not only for your own well-being but also for the health and welfare of your family members.

It's never too early to seek help and safety, but unfortunately, seeking it late things might have escalated to severe violence. Do not hesitate to reach out for help, even if it would be "just in case".

In which situation is it important to consider getting to safety?

If you find yourself in a violent situation within a relationship, it's essential to leave the scene and seek help. It is vital to leave before it happens again, although predicting violence is not always possible.

If the situation escalates or you sense it may lead to physical violence, it's crucial to remove yourself from the location and contact authorities for assistance. The key is prioritising your safety and well-being by leaving as soon as possible. Other matters can be addressed later with the assistance of professionals, if necessary.

If you're unsure whether it's worth seeking safety, it's always better to err on the side of caution and prioritise your and your children's (if you have any) well-being. Any form of violence and the mere threat of physical violence is a valid reason to seek help.

Am I eligible for seeking help?

Everyone is eligible for support and safety. Any form of violence, not just physical, is a valid reason to seek support. If you feel or are worried about your and your children's safety, feel threatened, or are afraid at home, you are eligible to seek help.

In relationships involving intimate partner violence, there are often signs that indicate the atmosphere is becoming increasingly tense. This is an opportune moment to seek safety. You can reach out to loved ones or find refuge in a shelter.

How to prepare?

It is advisable to make a safety plan and escape plan in advance and have a safety bag ready where you gather essential items such as money, important documents, a wallet, a passport, a change of clothes, hygiene products, your phone, and a cherished toy for your child or children.

Once you leave, consider either turning off your phone or setting it to silent to avoid potential manipulation. Additionally, disable the location tracking feature on your smart devices.

If you have children and need to seek safety, informing the other parent or guardian about the situation is important. However, it's advisable not to disclose the specific location. Instead, let them know that you and the children are safe. It is better not to tell about leaving in advance.

Quick exit
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