Welcome to AinoAid™

The AinoAid™ service's chatbot and knowledge bank offer guidance, information, and assistance for people seeking help with their close relationships and professionals supporting them.

IMPROVE Consortium

IMPROVE + AinoAid™

AinoAid™ is at the forefront of the EU-funded IMPROVE project, a collective effort to combat domestic violence. IMPROVE is creating tools to enhance the reporting and detection of domestic violence, empowering victims to access services and justice.

We're teaming up with Police Authorities, Civil Society Organizations, and others to boost our skills and implement innovative solutions.

Our role in this collaboration?

We're upgrading AinoAid™ to provide victims with speedy advice, risk assessments, and guidance to available services. Our goal is to ensure that those affected by domestic violence receive timely support and direction.

Partners involved in the project: We Encourage, POLAMK and THL, among 13 other EU partners.

Project duration: October 2022 – September 2025

Visit the IMPROVE -project's websiteexternal link icon

AinoAid website

AinoAid™ Ecosystem

Welcome to a new era of understanding, support, and transformation with an impact!

We believe in collaboration between different organisations and people who are working together for greater value creation that no single organisation can create alone. Violence in close relationships and mental health issues are big enough problems to come together and work on both short-term resolution and longer-term root cause removal.

Change requires multidisciplinary cooperation

We appreciate that cross-organisational collaboration is never easy and that we are in front of a persisting challenge that nobody has succeeded in solving.

Want to join us to unite current organization-specific services towards individual needs-based approaches for faster time of resolution and measurable impact?

Together, we're reshaping the landscape of relationships to illuminate the path towards healthier connections, fostering positive change, empowering you with the tools to build meaningful bonds and creating a safer, more compassionate world.

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What others say of AinoAid™?

Enlightening, even though you know things aren't right. Sometimes you just think that the fault is in yourself.
Thank you. I needed support and it feels good that help is available if needed. <3
Many thanks for clarifying that situations I used to find "normal behaviour" are actually types of violence! This was definitely an eye opener to realise I am being psychologically abused.
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AinoAid™ is the Digital Service of the Year 2021

The award is granted by The Software Finland ry.

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