Useful information

We have developed AinoAid™ to provide tools to identify unacceptable behaviours, offer guidance, and direct you to seek help. AinoAid™ can provide you with helpful information to better understand your situation. The feedback from the survivors who have overcome the issue would encourage you to contact a professional and assess your situation. Your role is important through asking for help and reporting. That way, we can start resolving the problem and even prevent it from happening in the future.

Messages from some survivors

From the survivors of domestic violence, we have learnt how important it is to hear and read stories of those who have survived. We have gathered some brave survivor's stories for you in our Medium blog and TakeAction podcast.

I did not see the destructive relationship I had been in all the time — Family violence survivor Miranda Siebel

Earlier, a nurse told me something was going on with my baby daughter. She did not cry and did not start to sit up, stand up, or talk. The teacher of my son was worried about his mental health because of his drawings. I knew something was going on in our home, but I did not recognise the seriousness at all.” Read more: Medium blog

Surviving and healing from domestic violence — Survivor story Eva Wissenz

I need to be resilient, no guilt and no shame… I think is the same need that is important to see that you are going to share your story you are just bringing oxygen to yourself, maybe people will judge you… my reaction is that we are all human and this is human business, there is no shame.” Read more: Medium blog

Why should we care?

Domestic violence has been hidden behind the family curtains for generations. It has been a stigma or taboo which has not been talked about. We should care about domestic violence because it is a fundamental violation of human rights; it harms individuals and communities and requires collective action to prevent and address it. The individual stories may vary in nature, but understanding that you are not alone may encourage you to learn more about your situation.

The rising numbers show both the positives and negatives of the statistics. Awareness campaigning has increased the number of reported incidents, which shows a growing trend.

Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone; it does not discriminate

Due to the fact that domestic violence doesn't discriminate but can happen to anybody. Abuse happens within heterosexual relationships and in same-sex partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic levels. And while women are more often victimized, men also experience abuse.

Human suffering and economic losses

The statistics of the frequency of human suffering by domestic violence vary from estimates of close to 44% of women to

  • 1 in 4 women
  • 1 in 6 men

will be a victim of domestic abuse in their lifetime.

Due to the size of the problem in terms of human suffering causing economic losses, the societies and public sectors in multiple countries have started to address the issue.

Domestic violence does not only affect women, but violence against women is a big part of the problem. The annual societal costs of gender-based violence in Europe are estimated to be around 290 billion euros. Read more: European Council (2023)

Some useful terms and definitions

It is important to remember that domestic violence can occur in various relationships, including intimate partner relationships, marriages, dating relationships, or between family members.

A victim

A victim refers to a person who has experienced or is still experiencing violence. It may be used, e.g. as a juridical term, to describe one's status of healing or the identity caused by unjust experiences.

An experiencer

An experiencer refers to a person who has experienced or is still experiencing violence. Unlike a victim, an experiencer might be seen as more of an active subject than an object of action.

A perpetrator

An individual who commits a harmful or illegal act typically violates the rights, well-being, or safety of others. In the context of abuse or violence, a perpetrator is someone who carries out actions that cause harm, coercion, or intimidation against another person, often within a relationship or a broader societal context. The term is commonly used in the context of criminal or harmful behaviour, encompassing a range of actions from interpersonal offences to more systemic or organized wrongdoing.

An abuser

An individual who engages in a pattern of behaviour involves mistreating, harming, or exploiting another person. In the context of interpersonal relationships, abuse can take various forms, such as physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, or financial abuse. The term "abuser" is commonly used to describe someone who exercises control, power, or dominance over another, often causing physical, emotional, or mental distress to the victim. Recognizing and addressing abusive behaviour is crucial for the well-being and safety of those affected.

A survivor

A person who has experienced violence and survived it. It can be one's own experience of self or how others see a person.

Psychological trauma

Psychological trauma (mental trauma) is an emotional response caused by severe distressing events that are outside the normal range of human experiences, often overwhelming one's ability to cope. It can lead to lasting effects, impacting mental health and daily functioning.


Refers to experiences or events causing intense physical or emotional distress, overwhelming an individual's coping mechanisms, and potentially leaving a lasting psychological impact.

Domestic violence

A pattern of abusive behaviours, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, coercive control, or threats. Violence is used to gain control over an intimate partner or family member, creating fear and harm and a cycle of power and dominance.

Domestic violence or abuse is usually used as a term to refer to violence within a family and intimate partner violence towards a current or former romantic partner.

Intimate partner violence

Violence that occurs in a relationship, former relationship, marriage or cohabitation, romantic or dating relationship. Violence can be mental, physical, financial, digital, sexual violence, persecution, coercive control or threats. Violence creates fear and seriously harms the victim and their loved ones.

Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence refers to harmful actions targeting individuals based on their gender, often rooted in unequal power dynamics. It includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, coercion or control, perpetuating discrimination and posing a significant threat to the well-being of those affected.

Legal aid / legal advice

Legal aid means help that includes legal advice, assistance and representation in legal matters. The state provides legal aid to persons who do not have sufficient funds to pay for legal services. This system aims to ensure the justice system is accessible to all, regardless of economic status.

Legal advice is a form of legal aid that everyone is entitled to. Light legal advice means free advice by phone or e-mail, for example. There is no deductible or legal aid fee. If counselling requires a visit to a legal aid office, it is basically no longer minor.

For more: Law dictionary


LASU is an acronym from the Finnish word lastensuojeluilmoitus which means a child welfare notification. With LASU, i.e. child welfare notification, the child protection social worker receives information about a child needing help.

Dare to talk

The conversations and provided information in AinoAid™ have been developed together with the professionals and survivors of domestic violence. Most of the experiencers have found it helpful to talk to trusted professionals who have been educated to focus on their experience without taking any personal stand on their situation. You will find helping entities on the Contact details page.

Opening up to the chatbot and acquiring knowledge from the knowledge base can help you get started. We trust that you can find different approaches that you can use in your personal situation to help you start the resolution work. We encourage you to take the first steps from your thoughts to talk to somebody you can trust and then act. Nobody needs to suffer from any inappropriate behaviour.

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