Rape checklist

If you have been raped or attempted rape

See a doctor as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours

If you have been the victim of rape, you should definitely have yourself medically examined, even if you do not notice any injuries yourself. Please bear in mind that most evidence can be obtained within the first 72 hours, even if there are no visible injuries.

The desire to shower after a sexual assault is completely understandable, but many traces that could later be important for criminal prosecution are usually lost in the process. Therefore, if possible, do not wash yourself or change your clothes.

Please visit a clinic, gynaecological outpatient clinic or a violence protection outpatient clinic for medical findings (adresses). A forensic medical examination can be carried out within seven days, but some traces (DNA traces) can only be secured within three days. The use of knockout drops is only detectable for a few hours.

You have the right to a confidential forensic examination and documentation without making a report to the police (Section 27 (1) SGB V). The physician is subject to medical confidentiality. There is no obligation to report.

More Information on securing evidence in cases of (attempted) rape

Various agencies offer support

Contact support centres for advice. Please, try not to remain alone. For clarifying and supportive discussions and information, you can contact the Helpline or women's counselling centres. Counselling is free of charge and anonymous if you wish. You can find a database of local counselling centres at the Bundesverband der Frauenberatungsstelle und Frauenennotrufe (bff).

Men should contact the ‘Violence against men helpline’.

You have a right to prompt help with psychological complaints following a criminal offence. You can find psychosocial or psychotherapeutic help at trauma outpatient centres.

Don't stay alone after what has happened

Rape or attempted rape is a stressful event. Talking to someone you trust is often very helpful in overcoming it. In addition to talking to people close to you, it is also worth talking to a specialist. Remember that you are not responsible for the event. The violent person is guilty and responsible for what happened.

Reporting a criminal offence

You can report a criminal offence at any police station, online or per post. You can also take a friend or someone you trust with you to the police station.

Rape is considered an official offence, which means that the police must investigate when they know about it. A report of an official offence cannot be withdrawn (see also chapter "Reporting a crime").

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