If you have experienced violence

Violence is never ok or justified. In an emergency, call 112 and tell them what happened.

Leave the place as soon as you can

If you have children, take them with you. Consider necessities to take with you, e.g. medication, passport, important documents, cash, credit card, some hygiene items, and clothes to change.

Visit a doctor

If you have experienced physical violence, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have any pain or visible marks, go to the doctor. Explain what has happened. This is important for evidence!

Go to safety

Go to a shelter. Call Nollalinja for more information on shelters. Or, contact social and crisis services in your municipality. Even if you go to safety using your own networks, still contact the authorities. It's completely okay to seek help!

Remove location information from your phone and social media

If you have children in common with the perpetrator, let them know that your children are safe.

Report the crime to the police

Remember, you don't need to be afraid of the authorities or afraid to seek help; they are there for you and your children (if you have any). Read more about Police crime report. You can seek support from Victim Support Finland (RIKU).

Behaviours that are considered physical violence
  • Pushing, punching, kicking, scratching, hitting, slapping
  • Pulling hair, spitting, pinching, shaking
  • Strangling
  • Blocking a partner, e.g., from leaving the room
  • Tearing, e.g., from clothes
  • Breaking or destroying objects
  • Using a firearm or blade or threatening with a gun or blade
  • Threatening with physical violence
  • Force-feeding, e.g., food, medication, or other intoxicants
  • Preventing a partner from taking medication
  • Forced sexual actions
  • FGM (Female genital mutilation)

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